Puppies are here!!!
9 puppies, 8 males and 1 female born August 24th. Puppies are doing doing great. This is a repeat between Buzz and Jovana. Last litter they produced puppies with exceptional black and red pigment and many with dark mask. They will have super temperaments like their parents, good with kids and other dogs. They will be ready to go at 8 weeks old which is October 19th 2024. Puppies will have their first set of vaccinations, vet exam, de-wormed, sales contract, hip guarantee and AKC papers. Puppies come with full AKC. Parents are on site to meet. They are $2,800 cash only.
Sire: import V1 Buzz Aleboma Prime, IGP3, KKL1 (lifetime), HD/ED a1 normal. Buzz has been shown in 7 countries and has placed top around the world. He has one of the best personalities, great with our 16 month old son, great with other dogs and animals, outgoing personality, solid nerves, level headed, super in bitework, excellent conformation and is a stunning mover.
Dam: import Jovana Vom Timohaus, IGP1, HD/ED a1 normal. Jovana has the sweetest personality. She is great with kids, other dogs and animals. She has beautiful pigment, nice coat, dark mask and super temperament. She is a very nice mover as well. She is a great mom and produced nice puppies.
Sire: import V1 Buzz Aleboma Prime, IGP3, KKL1 (lifetime), HD/ED a1 normal. Buzz has been shown in 7 countries and has placed top around the world. He has one of the best personalities, great with our 16 month old son, great with other dogs and animals, outgoing personality, solid nerves, level headed, super in bitework, excellent conformation and is a stunning mover.
Dam: import Jovana Vom Timohaus, IGP1, HD/ED a1 normal. Jovana has the sweetest personality. She is great with kids, other dogs and animals. She has beautiful pigment, nice coat, dark mask and super temperament. She is a very nice mover as well. She is a great mom and produced nice puppies.