Exceptional puppies - FOR SALE!
Jax, stock coat male. This sweet boy is a love bug. He has an outgoing personality, loves people, kids and other dogs. He also has nice structure and nice drive. He would make a great family dog. He is trained how to use a dog door to go outside to potty. He has nice black and red pigment. He has both testicles.
Justice, stock coat male. This sweet boy loves people, kids and other dogs. He has a nice head, coat, pigment and structure. He would do very well in the showring. He has a sweet disposition as well. He is trained how to use the dog door to go outside to potty. He has both testicles.
We have 2 stock coat males available. They were born December 1st 2023. This is a very nice litter, all puppies have excellent temperaments, love people and love to play. They all have nice conformation, very nice movement, nice drive, and solid nerves. They have deep black and red pigment like their parents and also have nice bone. They come from parents with super temperaments, imported, show rated and schutzhund titled. They will excel in the show ring, schutzhund, breeding, therapy, guardian/protector and family companion/pet. They are great with kids and other dogs. Puppies are AKC registered, come with full breeding rights, hip guarantee, sales contract. They have had their first set of vaccinations, vet examined, de-wormed several times, negative fecal and all the males have both testicles. Serious inquires only please!
Click to see pedigree of the puppies
Click to see pedigree of the puppies