B Litter born May 3rd
All puppies sold
SG4 Jette vom Schmetterholz X VA1 Iliano vom fichtenschlag
All puppies sold
SG4 Jette vom Schmetterholz X VA1 Iliano vom fichtenschlag
TITLES - IPO1 (SCHHI) HIPS - (A1) NORMAL - EXCELLENT ELBOWS - (A1) NORMAL - EXCELLENT BREED VALUE - 81 very good SHOW RANKING - 4TH RANKED IN SHOW (excellent CLASS - SG4) SIRE: - VA Sancho vom Spitalfeld, SCHH3/KKL1 DAM - SG11 Mandy von der Karl-May Höhle, SCHH1/KKL1 |
TITLES - SCHH3 HIPS - (a2) FAST NORMAL - GOOD ELBOWS - (A1) NORMAL - EXCELLENT BREED VALUE SHOW RANKING -VA5 (Kassel), VA1(F&B) - (#5 dog in the world!) SIRE - 2x VA1 Remo Vom Fichtenschlag, SCHH3/KKL1 DAM - 2X VA3 Viana vom Fichtenschlag, SCHH3/KKL1 |
AKC registered, 1st set shots, de-wormed, vet examined,
comes with a 32 month hip guarantee & sales contract.
Biliano Vom Givenhus- SOLD
Biliano Vom Givenhaus is a 10 week old, plush stock coat male from top bloodlines and sire.
He is black & red, has a high prey drive with nice movement. He is very smart already knows "sit",
is crate trained and has a nice stong bite and hold on the puppy training rag. He is exceptional show & schutzhund quality. He is great with other animals, loves people and has a great personality.
He is the only Iliano son for sale in the US!
Iliano in the Showring